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Travis Engen

Only Two Events to Go

This year's season, shortened by the pandemic, has only two more race events to go. Next weekend it is the SVRA VIR Gold Cup. A classic event at a classic track. VIR is a long track with very good sight lines over gentry rolling terrain and several long passing areas. All of this makes for excellent racing.

The entry list shows 23 Classic cars entered ranging from formula Juniors to formula B cars. Unfortunately, the F70 and Indy Lights entries aren't as robust so against our strong recommendations both groups will be on the track at the same time except for the final races of the weekend when they will be in separate run groups. I understand the dynamics of race entries but as I race both Classic and F70/Indy Lights cars running the groups together not only puts incompatible cars together it also diminishes my own racing possibilities as well reducing entry fees for the event organizer. Because of the combined grouping I will be focusing on my Chevron B17b formula B car this weekend.

Covid-19 per capita case rates in Virginia are in the middle of those for the US as a whole. Of course, there are wide variations throughout the state. The area around the track has been relatively stable for the past two weeks. Please take care and use masks and social distancing to stay safe. As has been the norm for this year there will be no Monoposto party but 2019 championship trophies will be available for pickup.

If you are able to join us, enjoy the racing! If you aren't able to be at VIR please consider entering the SVRA event at the Circuit of the Americas for the final races on the Monoposto 2020 schedule.

Travis Engen

President, Monoposto Racing

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